Friday, January 29, 2010

Bad Mobster, Bad!

So, as you know, I try to remain as spoiler-free as possible. I like to be surprised! And I'm usually pretty successful at this except for the occassional casting news, or if I see my Grandma and we talk General Hospital, because she is 89.5 (I think the halves start mattering again when you're that high up in the numerals) and she has been watching soap operas for so many years she always knows exactly what's going to happen. That's right, Guza, you ain't pulling nothing over on my Gram.

Of course, I needed neither a stray bit of casting news nor a call from my Gram where we talk smack about various and sundry family members and also Sonny -- BECAUSE THE STUPID PROMO COMMERCIALS KEEP SPOILING ME. And as they pointed out hilariously on Serial Drama this morning, not only are the commercials EVERYWHERE and hard to miss, but they're running a tag at the bottom the screen: Sonny Shoots His Son! TOMORROW. Ahhhh. It's hilariously bizarre. I mean they've been building up this plot for months and then they're like: instead of a big surprise, we're going to just show everyone everything that happens in the commercial! Ok? Go team!

But! A funny side effect of this storyline in general is that it has kind of brought me around to the side of the Sonny haterz. I never really cared that he was a murderous leading man or whatever, and Jason has always been one of my favorites even though Hitman with a Heart of Gold was kind of a ridiculous role, well, it IS a soap opera and I felt like there was room for that kind of soapy ridiculousness. Especially because Jason basically never kills anyone not bad and most of the time he's just running around trying to look like he can scowl while he tries to save his lady of the moment from whatever peril she's gotten herself into. (Women!) But Sonny coldbloodedly planning Dante's murder yesterday -- my man Dante (MMD), who I only began to like when I found out he WASN'T another mobster, fer goodness sake, but actually a SMART, CAPABLE cop? -- was kind of awful, and I started staring all squinty eyed at the screen, all, 'You know what, Corinthos? I don't like the cut of your jib right now!' And. AND! How Spinelli just scurries right over to rat out MMD without any sort of concern or guilt was totally icky and squicky and if he doesn't feel bad about it later I'ma be mad.

And also, can we please talk about the plot holes here? WHY hasn't Jax said anything about how Michael has ratted out Dante's real identity to Sonny? Um, isn't that kind of an important piece of information? I expected him to pick up the phone right quick to warn MMD, but nooooo, he's just back to looking shifty. I mean, was that what he was getting at when Olivia was over and he was like, "I'm just tired of keeping secrets"? Because I really don't give this show that much credit to be that nuanced. And I mean that in a loving way. Kinda. And also, I'm SO SURE the FBI calls friggin AUSTRALIAN JAX to update him on their plans. Whatever. If this doesn't become a plot point later I'm going to be super pissed.

The other giant plot hole is that after ratty rat rat Spinelli, you know, ratted on MMD, it is clear (or, you know, it should be) to Sonny and Jason that all of the evidence is in place and has been logged, and the warrant has been acquired. So why is the answer to this problem, "Hey, let's kill Dante?" I mean, if they were like, "He betrayed us and we must kill him," sure, I would object, but, you know, that makes more sense than, "Let's kill him and then the evidence and the warrant will go away." THAT DOESN"T MAKE ANY SENSE. If you're going to shoot MMD, please make it be for a real reason. Okay? Thanks.

My Wolverine Action Figure doesn't want you to know this, but he's rocking out to the Glee soundtrack. He totally thinks volume 1 is better than volume 2, in case you were wondering.

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