Monday, October 03, 2005

A few things

1. Who else thinks that Paris' claims that she wants to focus on her career and is too young to get married is a total shot at Nicole? Also, what the hell did Nicole do to make Paris so freakin pissed? I hope we find out one day, and I hope it isn't something super lame. Also, Man-Paris' parents are totally breathing a sigh of relief right now.

2. I totally called that whole, Mean Dean is sleeping with annoying social chair usurper on the O.C., from like, the second they both appeared on the air together. One day I will finally realize my dream, write for soap operas and try to come up with not so horribly predictable plot lines for y'all.

3. I saw Uncle Junior get on a bus this morning at the metro station. Does that bode for a weird week or what?

My Wolverine Action Figure is sleeping. I wish I were too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew they were sleeping together too! I was hoping Summer would snap a picture of them with her phone (if *I* have a camera phone, she MUST have one, and it was already in her hand) when she caught them.