Thursday, May 25, 2006


So, before I hit the road for a bit, let's go over the television season finales, shall we?

Grey's Anatomy - My love of McDreamy is immense. Let's just get that out of the way upfront. He has great hair. I can't help it. And the finale was pretty awesome. I think just last night I had a dream about poor, dead Denny. I mean, Denny had to die. We all knew that, right? SOMEONE had to die, and they couldn't kill Burke, because Christina was being a biatch and Izzy was just being psycho. Also, she totally deserves an Emmy for playing an excellent psycho. I feel like she looked like what people actually look like when their loved ones die. Hysterical, can't breathe, snot-nosed terror. Good show, Hiegel.

Anyway, it was great, and I was glad they didn't give us a crazy, annoying cliffhanger. I hate those. My prediction it's going to be a buzzkill cliffhanger, like Addison's going to appear and be all, "Hey Derek, we need you," or McDreamy will get paged to deal with Burke or some such. And then the Meredith/McDreamy nonsense will continue all season and they'll get together at the end of next season, all cliffhanger like.

Gilmore Girls - Ah, the girls. The finale was great, I felt like it really wrapped up the whole season although the season felt like it took so long to freaking get where it was going already. But still, very satisfying end. Nice meltdown for Lorelai, too, although Lord knows the awards show powers that be would never see fit to honor an actor from the WB. (RIP, WB.)
My prediction is a little tentative for next year, because the Palladinos have jumped ship (which I'm totally mad at them for, btw). I'm sure the Luke and Lorelai dance will continue, I hope they don't go the soap opera route which entails, L&L getting back together and then Luke finds out much later that Lorelai shacked up with Christopher and dumps her. As for Rory and Logan, I could care less. Logan is Tristan in college and I was over that shit in 2001.

Lost - Good ending. Lots of great, interesting reveals that made it seem like JJ really had been thinking about some of the big plot lines all along. I was pleased with the whole thing. My prediction -- for this show, seriously? I got nothin. I'm just along for the ride.

Alias - I knew they were going to release Sydney from spy life, just like Buffy got a break from being the chosen one. I was writing an e-mail to a friend about the finale, and I almost got caught up in a diatribe about how television writers feel the need to free women from their superhero roles, but never men, but then I remembered how tortured all the male comic book heros are too, so I dropped it. And at least Syd still gets to do freelance, and she gets to stay married to hotty hot hot Vaughn, which is less that we can say for la Garner in real life, right? The Rimaldi shit was kinda lame, like, who didn't guess they were all chasing after eternal life? Although the Sloane being caught in the cave forever freaked this claustophobiac (I just made that word up) right the fuck out. ALSO who else thought that they were going to tie in the Balthazar plotline instead of just blowing him up? Lame.

My Wolverine Action Figure is reminding me that we must run ... I will try to update next week but I'll be out of town.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, hope you're having a great summer -- miss your blogs! I read this one half covering my eyes 'cause I just started watching "Alias!"