Friday, October 30, 2009

I'm feelin' Lucky!

So, Jonathan Jackson came back to General Hospital this week, and even though he wasn't even ever my favorite Lucky (that was Lucky No. 2 all the way, and can I tell you how mad I was when I realized he had given up his bigger career aspirations and just hopped on over to another soap, I was pissed) .

But now I am totally digging No. 1! Maybe that's because Lucky No. 3 was so kinda lackluster for reasons I never really understood (I mean, it's not like the dude wasn't cute, because he so totally was). But he just wasn't working for me (or for, obvs, a lot of other people, because they gave him the ole heave ho) and so I wasn't too sorry to see him go.

Of course, now I'm totally mad at Elizabeth for looking all longingly at Nicholas all the time, because, I'm sorry, if you have to choose between Original Flavor Lucky and Nicholas (I can't even remember if he's the original Nicholas, which is saying something, sorry, dude) then I just do not know where your head is at! Also, weird that I always thought that Elizabeth never aged but then you see her with OFL and you're like, 'Huh.' Guess not. Sorry, Liz, you're still totally gorgeous and also it's happening to all of us. Except OFL. And also LL Cool J.

And I had a theory about this Lucky Original Flavor change of heart, because back in the day I always thought Lucky was 'too young' for me -- to have what, a fictional crush on? Oh, young Elissa, you can loosen up. It's fine -- and I liked Jason and Stone way better. (Oh, STONE!) BUT, and this is my theory, Lucky No. 1 was pre- emo boy. Pre Seth Cohen. Pre geek chic! He was just before his time is all! Now is his shining moment. But if he realizes that and then jumps ship again, I am so going to LA to have a talk with him.

Also, hi! I'm back. And so is ...

My Wolverine Action Figure is perched on top of my computer, excited that he finally got his picture on the blog! Three years later it's way easier to put pictures on your blog, huh? Also he says hi too. And that can I please go home so he can wreak havoc with all the papers on my desk. Seeing as it's Halloween Friday I'm just about to oblige him ...

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