2. Do you think Rebecca knows that she and Justin are about to play out the same storyline that Mimi and Rex (Remember Rex the alien? Man, that was weird.) had on Days back in the day (ha) that made me want to tear my hair out? Remember? When Mimi kept skulking around and refusing to tell Rex she was knocked up and then she had a secret abortion and then HER LADY PARTS WERE ALL BROKEN BECAUSE HOW DARE SHE? And then I almost had to write NBC a nasty letter because, rlly? I think that would have been the whole letter: Rlly, NBC?
3. Have you noticed that Grey's sucks, in part, because Shonda gives all her characters these crazy long monologues where they just repeat the same thing over and over (and over and over) again? From a writer to a writer? That is lazy writing. Also it's a tick, that, now that I've noticed it, I can't unnotice it, and it bugs me All. The. Time. So I'm telling you! So we can be in this together. You're welcome. Have no idea what I'm talking about? An example:
This was the monologue from the random hospital employee who had the crazy tumor:
Isaac: No, don't close me up. If you get in and it's too complicated, cut the cord. Paralyze me if you must. I survived a war did you know that? I survived a war where they put bodies in to mass graves where there was once a playground. I survived the death of my family, my parents, my brothers and sisters. Then I survived the death of my wife and child when they starved to death in a refugee camp. I survived the loss of my country, of hearing my mother tongue spoken, of knowing what it feels like to have a place to call home. I survived. And I will survive the loss of my legs. If I have to, I'll survive it. Ok? But Derek, there is always a way when things look like there's no way. There's a way to do the impossible, to survive the in survivable. There's always a way.
And guess what? (Spoiler Alert!) HE SURVIVED! Pffft.
(Thanks to http://www.greysanatomyinsider.com for the transcription.)
4. Is Don Draper some kinda awesome, or what? Also here's an interesting interview with Mad Men creator, if you're interested, although that guy is some kinda politician, huh? He answers questions straighter than interviews I've seen with Shonda, though, so I suppose that's something.
My Wolverine Action Figure is standing in my coffee mug. I don't know why. Sometimes, it's best not to ask.
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