Thursday, November 05, 2009

Let us count the ways

OMG people!!

How good was yesterday's GH? Amazing! Totally crazytown. I seriously think I had nightmares. Let's listicle it up, shall we?

Let us count the ways that yesterday's GH was crazytown awesome.

1. They finally let Jax have a baby! Isn't it a little bananas that poor ole Jax who has been married ... how many times? (Miranda, Brenda, Alexis, Skye (remember SKYE?!?), Courtney, Carly ... and those are the ones I can remember, although technically he didn't marry Brenda, did he?) still hasn't ever procreated? And they did that whole supermean bait and switch with Spencer who we, like, never see anymore anyway so whatever. Although, in real life Jax named his baby Peanut, so, you know, maybe the writers were just penalizing him for that.

2. OMG THE AXE. Okay, because seriously, it was all blurry and kind of dream sequence-y, at first I thought that Michael swung at Claudia with a BAT. And I was like, well, maybe she's not dead? (I mean, who thought that, when they did that close up on her hand? I for sure thought it was going to twitch, and then she was going to disappear. That would have been better. Bob Guza should totally hire me.) but THEN when they said, "Michale picked up an axe," I was like, "Oh no they didn't" but they TOTALLY DID.

3. Dante/Dominic. I know he is kind of only peripherally involved in all of this ridiculousness but I heart him and so I just want to put him on the list somewhere so he feels the love. Hiiii Dante! Thanks for not being a mobster! And thanks for actually being a somewhat competent cop! Kisses!

4. Jason and Sonny coming to save the day. I know, it's like their mobster skillz are FINALLY good for something! Covering up a body! I was like, "It's cool, Michael, don't worry your pretty little face, your mob connections will finally help you out, buddy." But he couldn't hear me, because Jason said he was in shock. And also, he was in the television, and I was on the couch.

5. "YOU DID GOOD" OMG, wasn't it crazytown (but not crazytown awesome, to be specific). I mean, Carly's like, 'Hey, NBD Michael, you just CHOPPED YOUR STEPMOTHER UP WITH AN AXE. You'll be fine!' And Sonny and his bad grammar, what what? I actually yelled at the TV when he said that, startling both my cats. I was also knitting at the time. Yes, I've become that. girl. It's okay, let's just look at Dante again.

Hiiiiii Dante!

My Wolverine Action Figure is perched next to a tiny WAF-sized bottle of vodka. This week, it has been long.

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